Unwrap Your DREAMS

Decode the Gifts of the Intuitive Realm and Navigate Your Life with Clarity, Joy and Compassion

Unwrap Your DREAMS

Decode the Gifts of the Intuitive Realm and Navigate Your Life with Clarity, Joy and Compassion

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Unwrap Your Dreams

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Unwrap Your Dreams: Decode the Gifts of the Intuitive Realm and Navigate your Life with Clarity, Joy and Compassion.

by Kirsten Bridge

This is a practical guide filled with stories, charts and scripts of women that worked with their dreams and liminal states of mind to uncover personal messages for their next step towards more joy, compassion or clarity. 

If you are an intuitive person and sense that clarity on an issue is just out of your reach, this book can show you how to work with the intuitive realm to gain insight and transformation. 

Similarly, if you have ever had a dream that got your attention, or if you think that your sleep is affected by how intense your dreams are, this book can help you to learn messages from your dreams. 


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Unwrap Your Dreams Private Session 

with Kirsten


In this session, I guide you through a dream or a challenging situation by entering into the Twilight Threshold. You experience the possibilities of the intuitive realm and leave the session with a message and next steps.

Sessions are 1.5 hours long.

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Moon Journal Worksheets 

Make It Easier to Support Yourself


Find clarity in the practice of writing with specific journal prompts for different situations.

As a bonus you will receive worksheets to help you decode personal meaning from Oracle Cards. These worksheets include the Dream worksheets plus Oracle Card worksheets and Moon Journal Entries. 

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Hi, I'm Kirsten.

As a spiritual mentor and life coach, I help women that are busy holding it all together to feel more nourished every day by helping them to use their intuition when rational thinking is not enough. 

One of my most popular programs is The Radiant Women. These intimate groups of women meet regularly to nurture their goals with my integrated approach, which embraces their values and the sacred feminine. I guide you to develop a deeper sense of your intuition; meet life's challenges with practical tools; and have fun as you create the life that is yours.